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bygge et tæt og positiv forhold, med barnet Joshua.

Joshua er et barn med en særdeles sørgelig
historie bag sig, han ser næsten aldrig sine, forældre, han bor på noget i
stil med børnehjem, og han har svært ved at skabe positive relationer med
andre, og skolen har tiltroet ham, til mig om torsdagen og fredagen (to gange
1 time) jeg har også nogle andre børn med adfærdsvandligheder, men Joshuas
tilfælde er det mest alvorlige, ifølge skolen. Så dette er grunden til mit
valg af placering a læringsmål.

Det jeg vil gøre, for at dette mål, er at, snakke være sammen, lærer
Joshuas interesser at kende, for at finde ud af hvad jeg kan, gøre, eks. Min første
da sammen med ham, lærte jeg at han, elsker computer.Bruge det som arbejdsværktøj, sammen med ham.

Eks. Lade ham teste spillet jeg laver, i mål 2 for fejl, lærere ham,
hvordan han selv kan lave sådan et spil.

Gøre ting med ham der, falder i hans interesse, og skabe 6 positive/
super gode måneder for ham, som han altid vil kunne huske.

Posted September 20, 2011 by eusuna in lærings mål

Institutions beskrivelse 2   4 comments

Institutions beskrivelse af manurewa intermediate school.

Er en stor skole med omkring 700 elver i alderen 11-14 . Ud fra hvad jeg har fået ad vide, personalet så har skolen være igennem en stor udvikling, eks, få siden kunne man finde vagter omkring indgangen til skolen, modsat i dag.
Det var kort om skolens historie, skolen sætter klare krav til både de ansatte og elver, eleverne, skal naturligvis gøre deres bedste for at, kunne når et niveau der er, passende til deres alder, men dette er ikke nok, de skal gøre det bedre, end de niveau de er, på altid og hele tiden og alle sammen, Manners dvs. manere, er et at skolens tunge værdier, og kravene til dem er , ikke anderledes end kravene til læsning, børn skal tiltale deres lære med mrs. Eller miss. Samle skrald, have en høfligt fremtoning, og bande blive mødt med røde kort eller “opportunity rom” som er de sidste former for konsekvenser før, bortvisning, rødt kort som den sidste advarsel. Hvis eleverne, formår at leve op til disse værdier, på et imponerende niveau, vil de blive belønnet med, certifikater, som er dokumentation for deres handlinger, som de får i hånden og, som de kan vise til deres forældre og, deres næste skole, når de er færdige på Manurewa intermeiate skole, og i specielle tilfælde, også gule kort, som belønner huset barnet tilhører hundred hus points.
På skolen er elverne delt op i 4 gruppe, som er spredt på tværs af klasserne, Kauri, Rimu, Tawa og Kohwai som alle, har deres eget “team flag. hvor de kæmper om at få flest hus points, og vinderen får deres flag, hejst i flagtangen, og får lov til at lege mere, under fitness lektionen, som de har 20 minutter hver morgen.
Børnenes manere, reflektere lærernes evne til at kommunikere, og undervise deres elever, så hvis børnene ikke opfører sig ordentligt, så er det ikke kun børnene der får en opsang, men også deres lærer ( af rektoren) som tager dette meget seriøst.
Et eksempel på deres, mange værdier kan forklare på denne, måde:
Mao Magic som står for, og kan findes overalt på skolen, we look after each other.
We look after property and our environment.
We look after ourselves.
NZ får en sum penge de kan bruge som de vil, men efter som vores skole er meget udsat får vi en større sum penge som bliver brugt på nybyggeri og vedligeholdelse. Der er krav om skole uniform, som indeholder skolens eget design, i farverne mørke rødt og sort,  som er betalt af forældrene selv.
Institutionen tager ikke, læsetests og krav fra ministreret, specielt alvorlig men fokusere mere på at hjælpe børnene med at nå et højere niveau, medhensyn til barnet egne behov og tempo. Så skolen kæmper også med ministreret, om at få nedtonet, og bruger ofte nærmiljøet som et af hoved argumenterne, pga. mange børn fra pågældende område kommer fra fattig, og eller social belastet hjem, hvilket også er en af grundlagene for de høje krav til skolens elever medhensyn til, skolens normer og opførelse inden for skolens grund.

planlægningen som jeg har, vidnet har været, baseret som et mix mellem, planlægning med de andre lærer, som under deres ugeligt møde, bliver præsenteret, når et nyt semester starter, eller muglihed for projekt start, for mulige arbejds redskaber, eks. mit læring mål om at fortage et videnskabligt projekt sammen, med børnene, var baseret, på en af deres præsentationer, som var vist og forklare  for alle medarbejdere, på skolen, derfra, står lærene for planlægningen (ud fra hvad jeg har vidnet ) hvor planlægningen er baseret på det aftalte fra mødet, selvom nogle gange kan det være fritvalg hvor vidt de følger præsentations budskaber eller ej. så planlægningen forgår tildels med resten af skolen, men også individuelt.

skolen har en klar, overflod af kvindelige medarbejder, på skolen som er det dominerene køn hvis vi kigger, på antallet i af medarbejdere, selvom jeg ikke har et specific antal på hvor mange ansatte, så er det tydeligt, og kan ses hver dag jeg kommer at der, flest kvinder men der er også et fint antal mandtlige medarbejdere, dog halvdellen af dem er ligsom mig selv, learning Assistent.

Posted September 19, 2011 by eusuna in manurewa intermediate school.

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Skabe positive relationer. Til de børn
jeg arbejder med.

Positive relationer til børnene, nøglen
til mit pædagogiske arbejde, og hvorvidt relation er negativ eller positiv reflektere
min pædagogiske evner, og jeg finder relationer mellem mig selv og børnene
jeg arbejder sammen med, kernen af mit pædagogiske arbejde.

Aktiv kommunikation, når mulighed er
der, være åben for dem og åbne mig selv for dem, hjælpe børnene hvor de har
brug for, det på deres eller skolens premisser.

Leve op til de ansvars områder og forventninger
Manurewa har til lærere assistent (som er mit arbejde.)

Manurewa har klare forventninger og arbejdsopgaver
til deres ansatte, og har skrevet dem ned, og kan læsses i lærerværelses, og
som lærere assistent (oversat direkte skal jeg kunne leve op til disse forventninger.)

Bruge dele af, mine pause på at læse
kravene, og aktiv følge dem, gennem min daglige kontakt med børnene. bruge
læreren og min vejleder, hvis der tvivl, der skal overkommes, gennem

Bygge et spil til børn med læsevanskeligheder
som hele skolen, kan have gavn af.

Manurewa intermidiate School har gjort
det klart at, de vil hjælpe børn der ikke læser på niveau med deres alder, og
jeg vil hjælpe til, med en attraktiv tilgang, så jeg bygger et spil,, børnene
ville kunne morer sig med, og hjælpe deres læseevner, denne ide har mødt stor
støtte bland hele skolens personale og et stort antal af børnene, som har
testet spillet.

Gøre brug af et, program ved navn RPG
maker exp. Som er, kravet til programmering af spillet, bruge min egen,
fritid til bygning spillet, og når muligheden er der, have nogle af børene
jeg er tilknyttet testet spillet, og lytte til deres ideer til, forbedringer,
og gører brug af dem, hvis ideerne kan realiseres uden at bryde årsagen til
spillets bygge grundlag, at fremme læseevner. Hos børnene.

Styre et projekt, ”videnskabs projekt,
hvor klasse læren blot er assistance ”

Hvis jeg kan styre et helt projekt, med
børnene ved brug af projekter som jeg, skal planlægge og realisere, med på
skolens premisser.

Dette mål bekræfter mine evner som,
pædagog i New Zealand og tester hvad jeg er i stand til.

Planlægger, præsentere planlægning til læreren
jeg er tilknyttet og derfra præsentere projektet til børnene og hjælpe dem,
med problemer du kunne have, uden at lave opgaven for dem.

Posted September 11, 2011 by eusuna in lærings mål

Institutions beskrivelse   Leave a comment

Institutions beskrivelse af manurewa intermediate school.

Er en stor skole med omkring 700 elver i alderen 11-14 . Ud fra hvad jeg har fået ad vide, personalet så har skolen være igennem en stor udvikling, eks, få siden kunne man finde vagter omkring indgangen til skolen, modsat i dag.
På trods af at området skolen befinder sig i den sydlige del af Auckland som er præget af fattigdom, og som mange har givet udtryk for, kriminalitet på trods af jeg ikke har vidnet nået endnu.
Skole inspektøren Ian Taylor, en man med klare visioner og idealer for skolen og børnene som, undervises.
Eks. Det de kalder Mao Magic som står for, og kan findes overalt på skolen, we look after each other.
We look after property and our environment.
We look after ourselves.
NZ får en sum penge de kan bruge som de vil, men efter som vores skole er meget udsat får vi en større sum penge som bliver brugt på nybyggeri og vedligeholdelse. Der er krav om skole uniform, som indeholder skolens eget design, i farverne mørke rødt og sort,  som er betalt af forældrene selv,
Der er nautligvis fokus på at undervise i områder som, engelsk, matematik, videnskab, kunst idræt, og andre fag, men der er ligeså stor fokus på manere/opførelse, hvor god opførelse bliver belønnet med “house points” og dårlig opførelse bliver taget hårdt om, eks. Hvis børnene bander, så er det opportunity rummet, hvor refleksion, på hvad der blev gjort, hvorfor det var forkert, hvordan forbedringer skal forekommes, skal skrives ned, som konsekvens samt lektier givet af deres lærere.
Fra en skala fra 1-3 som er deres eget system, når lærerne vurdere klasserne efter hvert enkelt lektion, samt hvorfor. Hvor 3 er godt og 1 uønsket, så giver jeg dem 3 for et aktiv vel motiveret personale, god skole som har fokus på obligatoriske fag så vel hjælpemidler i livet eks. Gode manere, og en yderet engageret positiv rektor.

Posted August 30, 2011 by eusuna in manurewa intermediate school.

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4 Aug.
After arriving at the school, I was kindly received, and showed around introduced, to the staff, and got, the to say  Manurewa Intermediate School is a fairly large school, way more than I expected, might take me some to learn my way around.
Are follow the calls 70, the flowering week so I have chance to learn my way around the  place.
The children are surprisingly quickly the assemble after the teacher, calls them together, the art class was an eye opener, never fought of a class were children learn to draw, and they are good at that, at least when it comes to driving cars, did my best to help the children, during the option class, with Tom I think his name is.
Were more observing how things are done, while only be a small part of it, and of course I will be better at supporting the teacher at the best of my ability, well its better that I can write about having done it than, so that’s the goal for now.

5 Aug.

Still need learn my way around the school, but thanks to the students, help I can still make it to the class in time “thank you children “ first time being at their assembly, and witness how high they value, manners, respect, and discipline at the school, to the point were the children are rewarded when they, have shown outstanding skill in the field, instead of punished when not, as I am use to, so great model there really enjoyed watching that.
The classes went well, the children were not full hearted but still listened, to there teacher, and the moment they listened whole hearted, the mange to show their true abilities, example during their dance, which were far above my own abilities.
Was started to think about what kind of project I should do at this intern, and my first idea I had, was to see if the children ( if possible ) would be able to investigate, a certain area for instance countries, and explain, what they have learned, from their research, to their class mate ( they would be divided into 4 groups ) I do know it sets some high demands being able to work in groups and being able on their own find the information’s needed, write it down and plan how to explain it to their class, and I know from experience about the last part might too much for some children, but could be beautiful to witness them being able to work in groups independently and create their own presentation.

8 Aug.
Still have some few problems remembering were the different rooms are, and were to go, but not as much as I did in the beginning, even though this might be considered the beginning.
The class had trouble respecting their teachers request to not interrupting while speaking, and do what they are told, of course is not all of them, but around 1/3 of them, so far mainly the boys, so I did what I could to help the teachers getting their attention, or have them respect what has been said.
Said down with one of the students, and had a one to one “aid” with his trouble, and after some explaining and refereeing using the school, since code of conduct was the topic, he managed to understand it, and were able to do things by himself.
Note from the student. Speak louder, and slower, so that they have an easier time understand what I say.
Note to myself, practice English more.

9 Aug.
Readers theatre is an amazing idea, and it worked better than I ever would a had suspected, really a eye opener, reading, out loud in groups, while acting, using only your voice to express the characters personality, and for those who prefer reading independently they could do that, and the children, did without any trouble what so ever, I have to praise the children of class 70, today they were acting complete opposite compared to yesterday, much more respectful towards the teachers, I have to wonder what the big change were.
New note if I notice any of the teacher know and use a good method to be with the children, follow up one what’s been said, request asked by the their English teacher whose name I just forgot, “sorry” and tell him about.
Despite his own “style of teaching “ seems to be working but the interests to learn alternative methods of teaching is always a good thing.

10 Aug.
Is starting to get to know the people, I am working with, and fortunate enough I have yet to find someone I dislike, but only people I enjoy talking with.
In addition, starting to great relations with some the student, thanks to being a part of some sports activities before the classes started, , and of course through conversations, I share with though the day, at random times, and one thing was, clear to me it is important, not to start yelling at them even through, that these children are not, all way listening, yelling at makes it worse, not just for the, teacher that trying to teach, but also for the following one, due to hidden frustration, that needs to come out, similar to boiling water in a kettle, through disrespect, short attention span and talk.
One thing I was wondering due to the request I received, when the good teachers at this wonderful school, ever meet at share their experience and discuss the method they, use when teaching, to one another ?

11 Aug.
Class from room 70, well done.
They were absolutely amazing, today hard working, a lot of concentration, few laugh here and there, but seriously properly the best site of those angels since I started at  Manurewa Intermediate School, told miss. Lyder their form teacher about, it how well behaved and hardworking they had been and how amazed I was about it, and she was proud of them, I could tell.
The race, what an event, first I were helping one of the student with special need with running the race afterward I did my very best to cheer at those who were still running in the hope of seeing them give themselves an extra push the last part, and it work mostly towards the boys, the girls were more like,  I am done running.
Another great day, looking forward to tomorrow.

12 Aug.
Second assembly for me, and were surprised a lot through the content, of it regarding the two girls that had done, something they  shouldn’t had done, in their spare time, meaning after school, but seen by a lot people including, our principle mister. Tailor and they were  called in to the assembly hall after their story been told, so everyone could know who we responsible for the incident.
I felt very uncertain about this method despite understanding the reasons behind them, witch  make me feel a little more uncertain, back at home the principle would had been fired on the spot for pulling a stunt like that ( and be have his name in the newspaper ) but at same time its clear to me that mister Tailor cares about the children of the school, and by a lot too, otherwise he wouldn’t had been at the spot during the incident , to stop these silly girls for humiliate themselves in public.
Hopefully the girls have learned their lesson Don’t resort to violent its stupid and brings nothing worth having !

15 Aug.

The beginning of my second whole week, at Manurewa Intermediate School.
Another good day with the children of class 70, they were yet again very respectful towards me and the teachers they were assigned to.
I tried to be more actively helping the teacher, this time at it went as expected very well, despite my few flaws in English, here and there.
Like the request I received for their English teacher ( still cant remember the name ) I plan do it for all, see what works for the different teachers and tell inform, who not there about the successful method, that was used, to help, class 70 to show their true beautiful colours.

16 Aug.
Today was one more problematic days.
don’t know really what went wrong, was it the children, who were disrespectful ?
Was it me who is inexperienced? Properly.
Fact is I ended up losing myself for the first front of a child and changed my tone despite not yelling still to the point it might have felt threading, toward the student , I have talked to some the others teachers, and they been very supporting, and been happy to share experience and suggest what to do, and admit that these things happens in these fields of works.
But I know what I am will do tomorrow, and that’s is apologize to the student, and make sure to open up way more that I have until now so, I am sure they now who I am what background I have, while teaching what a speech is since that’s what they are working with at the time.

17 Aug.
Instead of following class 70, as I have done so far, I were to follow a child by the name, Joshua ( I think ) who belongs to the special category, in his case, due to his unfortunate background, witch lead to a fierce temper from what I can understand. It was a nice change of phase, but the reason to I was following him the whole day, was so I can get to know him better, for example I know now he loves dinosaurs, apparently by a lot.
Problem with temper, that’s usually a though one, but he was quite happy the whole day.

18 Aug.
Wish I had a teacher similar to miss Lyder when I were in public school back when I was a kid, listening, to the kids story, about why he could not deliver what he should, cant remember what, properly a note from his parents, that’s seemingly to blame, and the not student. Praise the miss. Lyder for listening to her student instead of jumping to conclusion
Was supposed to be with Joshua today and that went fairly well, ended up playing games together, and he really enjoyed it, mainly because he won the first game ( 4 minute game )
But I don’t like being late to class, so much that he wont enter it, if it has begun, reason to why we ended up in the library, couldn’t talk I’m into join his class, but rather the library than doing nothing outside the class.

19 Aug.
To I hold my speech, or rather more detailed introduction, I am aware, its know 3 weeks since my arrival, but I and miss Lyder agreed that this was a good idea to do,
that way the class might relate, or just know me better, or at least part of my past.
They, were swallowed up by the story of my school days, around their age, and surprised by the not so proud filled actions I have done, and when they had a question, it was not, like usual, were the raise there arm, and yell/say Mister or miss, no they waited for me to, let them ask whatever question they had, and the answers mostly  surprised them, because, today I’m anything else that violent and impatient.
When my story was done, it was clearly too see that miss, Lyder was very satisfied, with, how things went.
Opportunity room first time, did some reading thinking/reflecting, but halfway through, I wished that I had brought my laptop with me.

22 Aug.
First half didn’t went so well, the children had far too much energy too listen, but, the very moment their music teacher appeared, told what they were going to do, what he expected, what he would do if they show sign of, not being able to concentrate on the given tasks, it went almost smoothly, with very few stops, but nothing to get annoyed be, unlike the first half of the day.
Decided to make a game for the whole school, an old school RPG with the intention improving, the reading age of the children.
I chose RPG games because at least 75 % of the game is text, and in order for the player ( the children or the teachers ) can proceed the game and find the hidden things, or continue the story I’m working on, they need to read, understand and act based on their understanding of what they have written.
For the children this would just be a entertaining game, that they might enjoy, but in reality it’s a game that’s created to improve their readings and ability to reflect on their reading.

23 Aig.
One of the more problematic days for class 70 they had far too much energy, and too much to talk about to each other, witch made it really difficult, for the English teacher, who’s name I should have learned by now but always seems to forget. Maybe I should write it down somewhere.
But at math everything changed, and there one major different ( looking away from the lesson itself) that the class were informed before the class started about what they are to go, what will be given when done ( house point ) and how the beginning were expected to be, those things were explained in way that everyone understood and acted, upon these information. It was amazing too witness.
As promised to our English teacher, I told him about these observations, and he was happy to receive, and might give it a try, about  informative beginning, before the lesson it self.

24 Aug.
Bad start with the day, for class 70. Math didn’t went well at all, and I’m getting more and more sure, that perhaps its because that the, children dislike their math teacher, because her sort fuse, as they clearly take it, and thus they don’t respect or take her seriously, because in their eyes she going to get mad anyway, without reflecting on why, their teacher gets angry, and yell at them.
English and form on the other hand went fairly well, too the point were it was enjoyable for all parts ( students teacher and myself ).
Ended the English lesson with bonus quiz with the possibly, of the getting the question right, could get a house point.

25 and 26 Aug
I’m putting both days together mainly because there isn’t much to say, I enjoying still so much, that I exactly, looking forward for every school day, I want to contribute, with something, reason to why I’m creating a GAME for the school, usually when  comes to work, or just plain homework, I just want it over, but here I enjoying the work I have to do, and I want to do more, so far in my life I have felt this towards, a place of work/duty at all.
Maybe I should move to new Zealand when my education is done, but thanks to the school for giving me this new experience in life, work can be fun.

29 Aug.
Miss lyder is finally back after a whole week of, absence and class 70 were to present their speeches front of the class, and despite the lack of experience in the, field and the fact that they depended a bit much their paper, did mange fairly well.
Nearly done with my introduction, part of the, game I’m making, despite there isn’t that much read, compared too what I have in mind for later, but it still test their ability to act too given messages, presented as hints to extra and very helpful items they can do.

30 Aug.
Class 70 did an awesome job during English, most of them during both blocks, were working really serious, both when I walked past them, and talked to them, and when either I nor, mister squire where near them ( squire the English teacher, think I finally got his name right.)
After the meeting at the end of the day, mainly about scientific, questions for investigations, around the chosen topic for instance plants.
I felt motivated try it out, on class 70 myself, so what I will do is, talk to Miss lyder their teacher, and hopefully find possible time, where I would be able to work with the children using the inspiration I received from the meeting today.

1 sep.
Class did a good job today like yesterday, and the day before yesterday.
An upcoming project, for the class is coming, and I have been allowed to be, the one responsible for it, so I have been working on deciding witch topic, they have to work with.
I want the topics to be interesting, funny, and something they, like because that might, make them put more effort into this project, so I asked around the class individually, in order too learn, they would had wanted too research and present for their, class, I was a bit surprised, by the results, but now they, have influenced the choice of topic, so I think that thinks will work out just fine.
Had Josh too test the game, I made for the, school and he enjoyed it, despite the mistakes he found that I need to correct, but he made it, clear that he would be happy to play the game again.

2 sep.
Great day, the class amazing again, even mister squire their English teacher praised them for it.
The performance at the assembly, was well done, and impressive.
I and miss Lyder agreed upon that I would be working on the learning intention for class 70, for their science project,  and send it to, so hopefully she will like them.

5 sep.
Got a terrible headache, but I wasn’t so bad that I couldn’t’t help out at the school, unfortunately class 70 was In their talkative mood today, so my headache got, worse.
But I still manage to help, out at the best of my ability, but I’m starting to wonder, about, whether I should, be more stricter because, I whether I should continue, how I am at the, school.
One side, it will make them do as I say more often, but the downside, it makes it harder too keep or create positive relations with the children, cause not, many like adults acting strict all the time.

6 sep.
Headache continues even after receiving 2 Panodil ( I’m not sure that’s how its spelled ) by miss Claire thank you for that, I really appreciate it.
I still manage to help out during the class and continue as usual, despite my low voice, even managed to help one of the students from class 70 to understand, how to make things easier for himself, when during multiplications, with numbers like 7*97 or 48*5 at the end he were able to figure out the answers, without the need for paper, so well done kid.
I will use the same method, in math, like I did with the kid mentioned, with others in order to learn whether it is effective or not.

9 sep.
After being sick for two whole days, o’m finally back, well the only good thing about being sick was, that I spent the most of my time continuing my game, so its nearly done.
Class 70 was good a as I remembered when I came so nothing much on their behalf, except, I loved the boys dance during Assembly. Their hard work really paid of, because they really did a great job showing their dance front of the inertial school.
Properly the one who, were  most happy about my return was Joshua, apparently he was really looking forward to the nest test run. The funny thing, I was told before he was allowed to do the test, that it is a really huge thing, that Joshua is, looking forward that much to do something in school.
So it great to be back.

12 sep.
Completely fresh again, not feeling a least bit ill, so I did my best helping out during the class, though mostly during music, since their were most activity during that class, and man they are talented, when it comes too music, I wish I could, borrow their talent, I asked them a couple a few time, too show what they have, ( they were working I 5 separate groups) and they did great, until they had too show the whole class, their works, but unfortunate, hesitation, a bit shyness, took their enthusiasm,  witch is a shame, because, I’m sure if they can overcome these shyness feeling and hesitations, they most likely be able, too become of success, In life, at least in my eyes I’m sure.

13 sep.
A bit tired today, thanks to my flatmates, and myself for forgetting to pay attention to the clock, but still managed to get a good start to the day, the English lesson went, perfectly smoothly, it was a amazing, but then during math, it just went down hill, I did what could, in order too have them, continue, but apparently, some were done
And others tagged along, during nothing but walking around, I was trying to help two of the student, that were allowed at the teachers lab top, and she were helping another student so, she weren’t really paying attention, but somehow I manage to settle them, down, by giving them, something else to do, it only helped with half of them, though, but at least, it helped.

14 sep.
Opportunity room, with Cordell, and he did what he was suppose to, when he is there, hopefully he won’t be coming back to that room, because it really is a shame, for him I know that that count for all the children, but I can’t but feel that in Cordell’s case, he have so much positive attitude towards most responsibilities he is given , or just towards life it self, at least, that’s what I see whenever I look at the kid I’m sure if he learn or we can teach him to have foresight, and timing, in life he would be able to create whatever life he wanted for himself.
So Cordell that was the last time right.

15 sep.
Beautiful weather I passed my assignment from back at home, Cordell wrote an apology, class 70 changed from art to new class with Tom basically work with materials and create stuff forgot what the lesson is called.
Joshua was apparently really, looking forward too our little lesson together.
The progress with my project the reading game, is going well, despite a major problem I got.
So I will very soon write down in English cause its done in Danish, my official learning intention for this intern.

16 sep.
First goal is too create positive relations with the children I, have been assigned with. Reason for this goal is that it is the core, when working with children or generally when one is working with people, positive relations are the basis before anything else.

Being able too live up the responsibilities I’m given and  EXPECTATIONS of the schools, since that’s is basically what I have too when working at Manurewa intermediate school, so being able too ably to these is a must.

Creating a game that’s, help children building up their reading age, that the whole school would be able too use,  game the children can enjoy, and teach at the same time, a creation, that would, last even when my intern is no more.

19 sep.
The relations ship between me and Joshua, from room 4 is better than I thought, mainly because, now during my duty, he comes up to me, and start talking, about his day, and afterwards, about idea, too my game, and “ have you found more clichés = errors, meaning that the whole game creation idea, has been a huge success so far.
So during my first introduction, in room 3, I took everything, I learned from room 70, and my work with Joshua, I manage too give out a solid, image about who I am, too the children, and I half way through my introduction, used the game as an icebreaker, and it work, and I manage you give them an easy time relating too and humour themselves with  the main character because his name is YOU.
For them its mainly just funny, but in reality that, name has a lot of value, cause every time this character has an dialog, its written You: something, so its feels like, its you who is talking, and not a game character.

20 sep.

I have manage too get a good start, with the children I’m supposed too work with, in room 3, using the experience I have gained from, room 70 and a getting along with all the children, so I my goal 1 about positive relations, with the children, seems to be going the right way.
Room 70 had a rough day to day, two test in a row, so during their last block they had far too much energy, so it was hard for both myself, and their science teacher, to make them listen, but we manage too keep them one track at least.

21 sep.

My math aid, seems too be working, maybe not fast but surely, because the girl I’m helping at math, were more and more cable at during her math on her own, she only forgot to remember that, when she split a number like 6 into two 3’s that she can’t reuse the 3’s when she add, otherwise, she got the basic part, of what she had to, and of cause I told her so.
But I seem to be getting really along with the new class real quickly, so I guess I shows my improvement during my intern.
One thing more, manage too stop a fight between two student that started, when I was on my way too morning tee, don’t know what was the cause of it, but that wasn’t important, as I was too stop the fight, and separate the children from each other, another teacher came, and did the scolding, too the one who were, talking back too us.
First fight I have seen in the school, and hopefully there wont, be too many.

22 sep.

Helped out two of the student, today with English by having the them, read and explain what they just read, like what who/what was it in the book, what happened and why.  They manage too do that quite well, including some spelling they also had to do, and they did well.
The opportunity room, went as it should, but I was surprised, that they haven’t had any break before lunch, until my switch. Mhh that’s must have been hard on them.
And Joshua like last week, were really looking forward, too our time together, and came with a lot idea’s for improvement of the game I’m creating. I dare say, that he is a big part of the game creation, since he have been finding errors after errors with the exception of today.

23 sep.
Beautiful weather today, positive assembly, despite the few times I had too ask somw few class 70 students too stop talking ( following mister tailors words from last week.)
Did the opportunity room afterwards, used the opportunity for myself, too continue on the game I’m making, and I can say now for sure, that it will properly be done by nest Friday.
Followed Ruth’s advise, by being more clear with my voice, and it paid off by a lot, both with the class 3 during their “talkative science class were, I more actively than usual helped the students, and pretty much the same during social science despite the, students didn’t’t really need my help.
Even during the singing at the end of the day, I placed my self a more visible spot, cause is not enough too just sing, but too show you do, otherwise. And had the children nest too me, to do the same, despite they rather wanted hide, their pretty voices, but they joined nonetheless, a very good day, and will be following this pattern nest week.

Posted August 28, 2011 by eusuna in Uncategorized

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Posted June 20, 2011 by eusuna in faglige elementer.

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praktiksted, the place i will be doing my studies for 6 month.



4 Aug.

After arriving at the school, I was kindly received, and showed around introduced, to the staff, and got, the to say

Manurewa Intermediate School is a fairly large school, way more than I expected, might take me some to learn my way around.

Are follow the calls 70, the flowering week so I have chance to learn my way around the  place.

The children are surprisingly quickly the assemble after the teacher, calls them together, the art class was an eye opener, never fought of a class were children learn to draw, and they are good at that, at least when it comes to driving cars, did my best to help the children, during the option class, with Tom I think his name is.

Were more observing how things are done, while only be a small part of it, and of course I will be better at supporting the teacher at the best of my ability, well its better that I can write about having done it than, so that’s the goal for now.

5 Aug.

Still need learn my way around the school, but thanks to the students, help I can still make it to the class in time “thank you children “ first time being at their assembly, and witness how high they value, manners, respect, and discipline at the school, to the point were the children are rewarded when they, have shown outstanding skill in the field, instead of punished when not, as I am use to, so great model there really enjoyed watching that.

The classes went well, the children were not full hearted but still listened, to there teacher, and the moment they listened whole hearted, the mange to show their true abilities, example during their dance, which were far above my own abilities.

Was started to think about what kind of project I should do at this intern, and my first idea I had, was to see if the children ( if possible ) would be able to investigate, a certain area for instance countries, and explain, what they have learned, from their research, to their class mate ( they would be divided into 4 groups ) I do know it sets some high demands being able to work in groups and being able on their own find the information’s needed, write it down and plan how to explain it to their class, and I know from experience about the last part might too much for some children, but could be beautiful to witness them being able to work in groups independently and create their own presentation.

8 Aug.

Still have some few problems remembering were the different rooms are, and were to go, but not as much as I did in the beginning, even though this might be considered the beginning.

The class had trouble respecting their teachers request to not interrupting while speaking, and do what they are told, of course is not all of them, but around 1/3 of them, so far mainly the boys, so I did what I could to help the teachers getting their attention, or have them respect what has been said.

Said down with one of the students, and had a one to one “aid” with his trouble, and after some explaining and refereeing using the school, since code of conduct was the topic, he managed to understand it, and were able to do things by himself.

Note from the student. Speak louder, and slower, so that they have an easier time understand what I say.

Note to myself, practice English more.

9 Aug.

Readers theatre is an amazing idea, and it worked better than I ever would a had suspected, really a eye opener, reading, out loud in groups, while acting, using only your voice to express the characters personality, and for those who prefer reading independently they could do that, and the children, did without any trouble what so ever, I have to praise the children of class 70, today they were acting complete opposite compared to yesterday, much more respectful towards the teachers, I have to wonder what the big change were.

New note if I notice any of the teacher know and use a good method to be with the children, follow up one what’s been said, request asked by the their English teacher whose name I just forgot, “sorry” and tell him about.

Despite his own “style of teaching “ seems to be working but the interests to learn alternative methods of teaching is always a good thing.

10 Aug.

Is starting to get to know the people, I am working with, and fortunate enough I have yet to find someone I dislike, but only people I enjoy talking with.

In addition, starting to great relations with some the student, thanks to being a part of some sports activities before the classes started, , and of course through conversations, I share with though the day, at random times, and one thing was, clear to me it is important, not to start yelling at them even through, that these children are not, all way listening, yelling at makes it worse, not just for the, teacher that trying to teach, but also for the following one, due to hidden frustration, that needs to come out, similar to boiling water in a kettle, through disrespect, short attention span and talk.

One thing I was wondering due to the request I received, when the good teachers at this wonderful school, ever meet at share their experience and discuss the method they, use when teaching, to one another ?


11 Aug.

Class from room 70, well done.

They were absolutely amazing, today hard working, a lot of concentration, few laugh here and there, but seriously properly the best site of those angels since I started at  Manurewa Intermediate School, told miss. Lyder their form teacher about, it how well behaved and hardworking they had been and how amazed I was about it, and she was proud of them, I could tell.

The race, what an event, first I were helping one of the student with special need with running the race afterward I did my very best to cheer at those who were still running in the hope of seeing them give themselves an extra push the last part, and it work mostly towards the boys, the girls were more like,  I am done running.

Another great day, looking forward to tomorrow.

Posted June 20, 2011 by eusuna in Uncategorized

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Posted June 20, 2011 by eusuna in Uncategorized